About Us

About two years ago in 2014 I ran into a Subway on the outskirts of Nashville, an area called Melrose. My family and I had a fulfilled day planned and were a little rushed, as usual! We were headed to a local waterpark to meet up with some guys from my office when I realized that my wallet was missing. After pulling over to search for it, we realized I must've left it at the Subway. Thankfully a nice samaritan found it in the parking lot and decided to leave my credit cards and turn it in after snaking my cash. Of course the wallet had been run over and wouldn't do any longer - who cares that wallet was "tired" anyway. I knew I needed a new one and had exactly what I wanted in mind.
The next day I visited a few upscale department stores but literally could not find a wallet that was different than anything I had carried before. They were all still leather which stretches so my cards fall out every time I downsized - the same wallet I always kept until it fell apart or in this case was run over by a vehicle... The wallets weren't necessarily something I felt really good about sticking in my pocket each day when heading out the door. My vision of a wallet was something fashionable, unique, small enough for my front pocket yet could manage my cards and cash. Something that looked cool and made me feel good when I picked it up because it could compliment my dressed up daily suit or my more low key attire on the go. Why didn't something like this exist?!
That night I couldn't sleep because the vision of this wallet I needed didn't exist. All I could do was think about my new wallet and this gap in the market. I was in my "creative state" that I had to take advantage of. I got up out of bed, grabbed some paper, a stapler, and some scissors. Around 3:30am I had version one completed and could rest easy knowing I just solved my problem but likely many others as well. This was the start of a two year journey to become an expert in fabric, textile, and manufacturing - All nothing I knew about yet were necessary to accomplish a final prototype that worked. One that could be sewn to the exact dimensions with stretchable fabric and the perfect magnetic closure that wouldn't ruin credit card strips. I may have lost count on how many I ruined in the process of testing the product... But I wasn't finished - there needed to be a name, logo, and branding to finalize the vision.

I actually thought of a name during my creative state the night version one was developed, Pizzle Wallet. My main problem was getting the final branding established with a logo. I have this tattoo on my ankle that I got years ago. The thought hadn't crossed my mind but when I approached my wife about the logo, she immediately said "why don't you put that lizard on your ankle to work so that it can actually be cool". That's exactly what I did...and of course it was always cool but now serves this awesome new purpose.
Flash forward to late 2016 I'm just now getting the final steps done to offer this solution that took me two long years to perfect. It's super rewarding to help both men and women have this grab and go accessory that just didn't exist before - a crazy two year ride that has taught me so much. This is a journey and story that keeps going - I can't wait to see people enjoy my product, more local jobs to become available as we grow, and the rest of this journey to unfold over the upcoming years. Thank you for reading my story and please enjoy your new Pizzle Wallet!